Harlequin by Nora & Dan Devane / Mommy and Daddy

Long time ago my heart was broken,

grieving my precious Maeggi

Then this tiny ball of fur with a broken heart on her side

Squirmed her way into our lives, our hearts

My Harlequin you have been such a joy

I never thought I could have one heart dog, let alone TWO

But Maeggi moved over, and shared her spot

With you my beauty, Harlee

Maeggi will now show you how to run and be free

There is no way I can say how much I love you

You have filled my heart with such happiness

The joy you have when you run and play

The pure happiness in your freedom

So follow Maeggi with all that joy

She will guide you, as you share the same heart

Mine, you filled it with such ease and love

Harlee, I will always love you.

Nora K Devane 2013


Harlequin my Beauty My Heart,
3, Apr 2013
Nora & Dan Devane