Heart Bandit by Diane and Family


"Heart Bandit"

May 6 1992 ----- March 5 2000

Yorkshire Terrier

Bandit DeeWaard-- May 6 1992-March 5 2000


Bandit was the love of my life we could see each other's soul.

She was complete love and trust and I miss her so.

She was born with a weak trachea that progressivily got worse as she aged.

February 29 ,2000 we drove from Michigan to Baton Rouge La.

to have surgery under a very special veterinarian.

The surgery went fine but she had a complication,

that formed a hyaline membrane inside her lungs. She was put on a

respirator for a time but was not able to overcome it.

She died in my arms March 5 2000.



Diane and Family






Heart Bandit
Diane and Family