Higgins by David and Holly



" Higgins "

March 2 1996 --------- June 21 2000

Cocker Spaniel


Our sweet precious little bundle of a Cocker Spaniel.

How we miss your kisses and sleepy darling little face that greeted

us each morning and that excited little face when we

came home from work each day.

Running around trying to catch that ugly 'ol lizard or chasing squirrels....

where did all the time go? You were taken from us so soon.

Higgy loved ice cubes and would do anything to

just get a little piece from your glass.

Bopper we hope that ice is abundant where you are...

we know it is your favorite. Our Baby Bop ...we hope you are running

playing and skipping to the beats of our hearts.

Each moment we think of you brings back the precious memories

of your spirit and being. Find the lake...and rest.

See the sun...and be warm. Hear the music of the wind...and dance.

Sit in the flowers...and bask in the glory of God sweet Higgy.

Daddy and Mommy will love you forever Bop Bop ...

wait for us!!








David and Holly