Honey by Rachel Lilly / Mommy, Daddy, Sister Hunny and
brothers Smudg

When I saw you – lying there
In a mass of golden straw
Only I knew – it was only fair
To leave you
Living never more.

But when I think of you
With your tiny golden paws
My heart just stops
And by my personal laws.
I keep you in my mind.

This poem, is especially for you. It’s talking about the time of your death. When I saw your tiny, golden body, splintered with sunlight, surrounded by your 5 brothers and sisters. And your last breath, as your little leg moved, and your finally, out of pain.
I’m so sorry, that I couldn’t help you, and I want you to rest, now with your brother Max, and
wait for me to come visit you.


With all the love in my heart . . .
17, Aug 2003
Rachel Lilly