Humphrey by David

Hay Humps it is me daddy. Remember the great times we had together. Will it will be that way again when I join you? Well now little pal you do not have to worry about your leg anymore hurting from when you had the operation from when that pit bull grabbed you in the hall. The god lord will heal it. You know Humphrey it is not going to be the same with out you being there when I come home. You was always there from the day you were born. The dog did not take you away but this city did and it is unfair. Say hi to Tramp and Lady and Killer for me would you. I love you Humps with all my heart and always will and there will be knothing that will be able to fill that spot. I am very sad hurt empty but you will always be remembered and I will come to visit from time to time and light your candle.

Love you 4ever

daddy David


1, Jan 2001