Jake by Robyn

June 21 1990 —- Dec. 24 2001

Jake was at the Long Beach pound in CA.

Great Pyrenees rescue wouldn’t take him because he wasn’t

full Pyrenees so they called me.

I went to “look him over” – it was his last day.

What could I do? I brought him home – all 100 pounds

of him in the back of my Jeep.

When my friends came to welcome him they all said he was deaf.

I knew he wasn’t deaf because he did respond to sound.

But he wouldn’t pay any attention to people talking to him or

giving him any commands. I called the pound and asked if they noticed

anything unusual…they told me that Jake came from

an Hispanic family!! He spoke SPANISH!

So I learned Spanish. From then on Jake was bilingual.

He was kind and sweet…so sweet.

Didn’t like to play catch or chase balls but would be in

7th heaven just to be beside me.

He’d lay right in front of the TV so I couldn’t help but laugh

at him and go cuddle with him.

Everyone loved him…everyone.

When you’d ask him for a kiss he’d put his face up to yours –

but not to give you a kiss – rather for you to give him a

kiss on his snout!

He was wonderful. I miss him so much.

I don’t know how I’m going to get through the days without

crying constantly.

I love you Jake.

My big beautiful blonde boy.

Please wait for me.


