Jasper Blue by Romie / Romie

Jasper Blue, you are a very special boy, and I miss you so much. I know you started out life in pretty bad circimstances…but you never let that keep you from being such a wonderful dog. You spent your life with me working as a Search and Rescue dog…and
I miss having you by my side.

I remember having to set up fake ‘finds’ for you at the end of missions so that you would feel that you had accomplished your goal…if I didn’t, you would mope around for days. You loved to be out ‘searching,’ your nose to the ground…
tail up…schnoofing everything in sight.

I miss you riding in the truck with me… and watching you run circles when you were excited about something. I love how you would sleep at my feet all night…I know you are in a better place now…and I hope you are happy…
and getting plenty of exercise and chow.

I miss you my bubba dog. I’ll never forget you…
We love you Jasper…


Love your family,
Jasper Blue
Oct 2000