Jessy Lytle by Jessy / JESSY

To My “Hero’s” who have come into my heart. You are now FREE!! You are the brave little soldiers that have gone off to war. You are My Hero’s as you have
given you lives to protect me.

You have come into this world only asking one thing, and that was to be loved.. You are the souls of your GOD!! You are not to return back to your creator. If your were to look up in a dictionary the word Hero, all of your pictures
would be there!!

You are not FREE!!! To Shadow, Cheeze & Chewe to play in that ocean that has the cool water and warm sand. All the fallen Hero’s that have gone before you are waiting for you. There will be NO pain, for I take your pain in my arms that will hold you so tight
when you leave this world.

It’s time to follow your dreams!! But to always remember to never forget me as we will always be as ONE!! You are my little troop going off to war. And you WILL NOT GO AWAY IN VAIN..I PROMISE WITH ALL THAT IS IN ME THAT YOU WILL NOT DIE IN VAIN!!!!!!!!

To My HOBO, who has fallen,who has become another victum of a past long since forgotten. You looked at me before you left this world. Your eyes were as brown as the grass that is outside my window. Your eyes told the story of our past together.. Your words to me will stay in my heart. You asked me to make one promise to you. That promise was to “not let go this moment in time.. That our love would go on forever.. That there was I wish in your heart. To not let go of what my life was to be.. To reach out to the world
that is waiting for me.

I looked into your eyes and as you started to slip away for me. I whispered in your ear. Saying “don’t let go of this moment in time. That you will not be hurt by the hands of man. That you and many that have seen
the world through my eyes.

Now I must set you FREE!! I must put the pain in my heart to a place that will no longer hurt me. For you see, You are all FREE!! You all have given me a life that I would not had without any one of you!!

For you are my “HERO’S!! I will see you all someday at the Ocean were we will play in the warm sand and walk in the water. And you Shadow and your Pal’s I will tell mama all about you. She will keep you in her heart.
I will not say Goodbye, but I will say DITTO to all my “HERO’S who have saved my life.. I love you forever and ever!!! For, until tomorrow will you always remain FREE! For you are MY LITTLE TROOPS OF MY HEART!!!! May your creator be with you and guide you home again.


Jessy Lytle
12, Nov 2002