JohnPaul {Ringo George} by Sally / Mom

Good night fluffy muffin, charmin head, smoosh face, triangle ears, winter slipper, fluff toes, creamsicle cat, cinderella dustmop. We had a good run.

Thanks for being my buddy for so many years. I’ll miss the kitty in the window, the whiskers tickling my face on the pillow, the fluff monster tail wrapped around my ankles, your pink nose that turned red when we played, the sweet way you lay in my arms (but only on the left side!) for hours, and even the times you licked my eyelids in the early mornings.

You’ve been a dear part of my life and helped me through those pesky twenties. It’s been a rough day and it’s even harder to imagine a world without you. I’m going to miss you so much, baby cat…


Love Forever,
JohnPaul {Ringo George}
25, Jan 2007