JOKER by Jessy / Your pal in courage & Love

Joker of all Trade’s..
You came into my life as a unknowen and you asked for nothing in re-turn..
You saved my life on the day of a storm and you asked for nothing in return, but to be loved.
You crossed over the bridge and
you are not FREE from hurt.. You helped me be more loving and understand of the unwanted.
I was not with you the day you died.. Strangers hand’s are what helped you leave this world. You are layed to rest in a place that only the angel’s go to help the fallen to cross over.

For the short time that you were in my life,you gave somuch of yourself and for that I thank you!! For I know that you look down on me and smile for you are my Angel.
Thank you Joker for coming into my life…


Love to you my furry friend,
25, Sep 2002