Kacey by Chris / Your family

Our beloved Kacey

I still remember when you came home for the first time, September 8 1993. Thirteen years, to the day, we were together. You were the last girl in the litter and the first pup to come to me. We later found out you had been returned just the day before. Fate was on our side.

You were a great pup and a fast learner, although you could also be a bit mischievous at times. Sneaking under the coffee table or hiding behind the couch. You always had to have two treats, one for now and one you would always hide for later.

We loved to hike together, many miles under our belt. KC & Me was our trail name. How many peaks and ponds did you beat me to? How many critters did you chase?

Your first swim was a classic. You saw your reflection and thought that other dog was going to get your stick, and splash, you fell in. Stunned and soaked, you still kept that stick, but I had to pull you back up onto the ledge.

Then as you were getting older and started to slow down we moved and got the nice big yard for you to roam and explore at your leisure. You loved to be outside, even just watching the birds.

Then came the twins, Kona and Ellie. They loved to tease you. You always had to have the ball. Kona was without a doubt your favorite of the two, but they both miss you also.

I know the last few months were hard for you. It seemed as if once one aliment healed another one showed up. I hated to see you unable to run and play with the pups or even chase the ball. We tried to help you hold on as long as we could, but we needed you to have peace again.

I know your better now. Jumping fences again, chasing your ball, or just sniffing out a squirrel. Go, run again, with your friends Samantha and Lacey

I hope you enjoyed your stay with us as much as we loved having you.

And if you see a sign that says no dogs allowed, we wont be there either.


" Dutchess "

May 4 1985 ------- Jan. 1 1998


Dutchess was a very loyal pet.

She was more like a our child than our dog.

When she was pregnant with her litter she would

follow me around everyplace I went even the bathroom.

We still miss her very much.

We brought Dutchess home from Texas while

we were on vacation. At the same time we brought

home Dutch we brought home Clint our other dob.

They both traveled great at 8 weeks.

When Clint would wake up after about 200 miles he

would have to go potty. We would pull over and

let him and Dutchess go potty.

Our little Dutchess was a follower from the beginning.

We miss her very much.


Don & Bonnie


We love and miss you Kacey
8, Sep 2006