Kya “A Diamond In The Sky”. My Sweet Pea, how I miss you. You were such a special pup. You came to me at a time of sorrow, mourning the passing of your father 2 weeks before you were born. God knew I needed you, so he sent an angel to help heal my heart. Oh how I miss you.
Mommy loves you Sweet Pea!
I was pregnant when it came time for me to say goodbye to you. Oh how I wished you could have met your little brother! I know he and you would have loved each other.
I miss you so much.
We went camping last month. It was the first time in 12 years that you weren’t there with me. I sat alone by the lake and cried a little for you. Oh how I miss you. Mommy loves you so much, Kya.
It’s been almost a year since we said goodbye. In that year, your Mommy & Daddy got married! We sold our house and bought a new one. You would have loved it here. I brought with me some clippings of your willow tree. I have a memorial in the yard with your bowl, and the cross that I made for your brother Hughie. I’ll plant your tree there. I can see it from my office window, and when I look at your bowl I think of you and I smile. I miss you so much.
I am so, so sorry that I was not with you when you left us. I couldn’t bear to see you with no life. The last time I saw you, you were in such a bad way. You couldn’t get up. Your eyes were so sad. Your Daddy was with you, I hope that you weren’t afraid. I hope that you can forgive me for not holding you to the end. I just couldn’t bear to see you gone. I miss you, Sweat Pea. Momma misses you and loves you so much.
I know that you’re up in Heaven, waiting for me. Say “Hi” to Jake, your daddy, and Sammy, your brother, and Hughie. I know I’ll see you all again. Mommy loves all her pets, but Kya, you were special. There will never be another one like you. Just know that I love you and I miss you very much.
My Sweet Pea, Mommy loves you,
Kya Rose |
26, Oct 2009 |
Conni Rose |