Laddie by Mary


" Laddie "

April 24 1984 ---- Oct. 5 1997

German Shepherd

Dear Laddie:


I miss you more and more each day.

The whole neighborhood misses you. I think of you every day

and wish you were near me because times are really hard right

now and I remember how you knew when I was feeling bad and

would cry when I cried.


I remember how you could do all kinds of neat things but

it always made me laugh when you didn't understand

the concept of fetching; how you would chase the ball then

look to me to come get it for you.


I haven't gotten another dog because that backyard is

still your playground and the sofa still has a little bit

of "Laddie" on the corner you used to sit by me at.


Please when I die meet me and take me to God with you ok?


I love you baby.






