You came from a very neglectful and abusive situation and we got you because of a tragedy. For several years we seen your original owner letting you breed continually because he wasn’t smart enough to get you spayed. He also ignored you and you were forced to fend for yourself. Finally when you were about 4 years a old, a good friend and fellow rescuer, Paula, rescued you. You were finally going
to have a loving home.
Unfortunately, a few months after you were rescued, Paula was tragically killed in an automobile accident. Mom and Paula had a pact that if anything happened to either of them the other would take care of the animals.
Hence, you came to us.
You still were recovering but we noticed you were having what appeared to be balance problems. We took you to the vet and she said it was a problem with your ear. She gave us medicine but it didn’t help. After about two weeks we took you to the Animal Hospital for an evaluation.
It turned out you had either a brain tumor or a brain lesion. We didn’t bother to do an MRI to find out which because neither one was operable. They sent us home with prednisone and little hope, we were told maybe 6 months. The prednisone corrected your balance problem and you got back to normal, except you were blind. It didn’t really affect you much because you followed the other animals around and seemed pretty normal. You adjusted to us very well and appeared happy and healthy–but we knew
what lurked in the background.
Amazingly you maintained a very good quality of life for almost 2 1/2 years. Suddenly the balance problems came back and you started having coordination problems as well. We took you back to the Animal Hospital and after further checking, they discovered that whatever was on your brain had shifted and the medicine was no longer working. The next thing that would happen would be seizures–probably very violent ones. We couldn’t allow that to happen. Your quality of life was not good anymore.
You were such a sweet girl and deserved a better life than you had and at least we tried to make the last years as good as we could. The day we made the decision to let you cross the Bridge was a very sad day because Trouble was also having problems and we had to let her go too. She always worried about you and guided you and in the end she helped you across the Bridge so you didn’t have to go alone. We know you are at peace now and enjoying the happiness you deserve. We are sure Paula is there with you and we will also see you again some day. Rest in Peace sweet angel,
you were a brave little girl.
All Our Love,
Lady |
9, Apr 2005 |
Helen Malinauskas & Joe Bielinski |