Lala by Michelle Watson / Love,

Mummy, Dipsy, Poppy & Peggy

Lala you left us so quickly we just haven’t come to terms with it yet. When I left you at the Vets I said I would see you soon not knowing that I would not. I didn’t think I would have my heart broken so soon again. You were a very caring dog and a wonderful mum to your puppies and any of my other girls pups. You always used to help me house train them and I will miss your help. Dipsy misses you alot he just will not eat. I told him you would not want him to be unhappy. You have left a big hole in this house for such a little dog. We will all miss you forever, God bless you and keep you safe until we all meet again.


In Memory of Lollypops,
5, Aug 2006
Michelle Watson