Lord Precious Prince by Sharon Wells-Harris / Your Momie, Sharon Wells

My Love and my Baby. I find it so hard to put into words how my heart is so sadden without you. Momie hasn’t even had the strength and my mind would not let me write this to you. I am sitting here now with such hurt in my heart and my eyes so full of tears. There is something about me feeling I am trying to let you go and it hurts me so bad. I don’t think I will ever be ready to let you go. I have so many memories of us as we spent over 12 years side by side and every step I made I was holding you or you were right behind me. You were so tiny and would stay so close sometimes I might pinch your baby feet and I would tell you how sorry I was and love you good and make it all better.

My baby, You were brought to me in Kelly’s arms and I wrote a poem about you being delivered in Angel’s wings. When she placed you into my arms it was at that moment you became my baby. I was all alone and you were my Sweetheart and the most beautiful baby boy ever. We had so many photo’s made together and did so many things. As time went by, you started to change colors of your hair and it grew long. Sometimes it would get so long and you would be hot so I started to trim it for you. I let your ponytail grow long on top and I would brush your hair and put pretty colored bands to hold it on top of your head. Every where we went people would look at you and say Oh how Precious. They were saying your name for that is the word that came into my heart when I first held you and immediately I knew you were Prince Precious. I have a lot of legal papers about you because you come from a very special group of Yorkshire Terrier Pups. It wouldn’t have mattered to me if you had a paper or not, I would have still
loved you just as much.

I tried to protect you from any harm that might even look your way. I know you trusted your life with me and there was to no end what I wouldn’t do to keep you well. Your Daddy loved you too. He liked to throw the ball and you would go and get it and bring it back to him. When we ate you ate too. Almost anything that we would eat you was there to try it. There was some places that didn’t want you to come into the stores so Momie just stopped going. I did sneak you in a lot of places by hiding you in my purse. You only weighed 3 pounds but you would stick your head out of my purse and I got throwed out of a lot of places. I took you with me when I went to see my Grandbabies in North Carolina.

You always slept right by me and many times I would put you on the bed and close our door if there was company that didn’t know how easy they could hurt you. You didn’t mind for you knew Momie would come back to get you. As the years went by we grew so close to one another. Momie and Precious, Sometimes I called you Stinky because you were a little stinker that loved to play games and hide from me and make me find you under a couch or hid in a box.

You loved to play in a big box as long as you had your toy and could see me sitting close to you. I would let you go outside when you wanted to and you would walk around and smell where other animals had been. You loved to tt on my couch or chair and the bottom of the bedspread. You were just a little boy. My mother loved you too. She thought you were the prettiest puppy I ever had, and she was right. I would take you to see her almost every day and you knew exactly where you were going when you got out of the car. The last time you saw her, you kissed her Goodbye. She told me that is what you were doing. She did pass away very quickly after that. I cried to you and you would comfort me by kissing my tears and staying right with me. If I did have to leave you I would always tell you – Momie will be right back and I love you. You learned that I would come back and was always happy to see me.

You had one little girlfriend that loved to run and play with you. Her name was Phoebe. We so wanted you to have puppies with her but you and she never did. You tried hard but just never did. I loved Phoebe and wonder where she is today. I can think of so many things we shared together and keep on writing, but my Sweetheart, Momie wants to tell you again how much I loved you and still do love you. At your gravesite I have Angels watching over you and a pretty bird bath on both sides. You are under the Tulip Tree that you loved to play under so many times. Momie can never forget you and how deeply I loved you.

I feel sure I will never have another pup to ever be as Beautiful as you were. You were so Special and came to me and gave a light inside me that was so important in my life. You were my Special baby boy and Momies Endless Love.


My Precious Prince Forever
my Endless Love.
Lord Precious Prince
11, Nov 2014
Sharon Wells-Harris