

" Louigi "

March 1 1995

Shi - Tsu


Louigi was a little black and white Shi-Tsu who lived to be 18.

He was a faithful loving friend who brouht joy into our lives.

Louigi started his life in Georgia and then ended up in Maryland

where his owner was pregnant and decided she could not care

for a dog and baby at the same time.

It turned out to be the best thing that had happened to us.

Louigi had many tumors and cysts in later life and was deaf and blind

but always greeted us at the door with a wag of his tail.

No matter how sick he was he would come to the door to greet us.

On the last day of his life he went for surgery one last time to

remove a large tumor on his chest.

We knew at his age that it might not turn out well but we wanted to

prolong his life and have him with us a little longer.

He died on the operating table even before the operation started.


we will love and miss you always.







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