Lucy Dogge by Barbara / Mommy

Dear little Lucy,

It has been almost a month since the night I took you to the vet’s and we said our last goodbyes. I felt like you were taken so suddenly. Never before had you failed to get well. I really thought he’d be able to fix you again. I was in shock when
he said it was time.

I don’t remember saying goodbye. I held you and said repeatedly that I love you. You went peacefully. At one point, you gave a little jump. I looked up at the vet, in fear that you were in pain. He said it was just your little way of fighting not to go. I think you were taken by surprise, too.

I called Joanne the next day to tell her you would not be coming to grooming. She was so sad. Gradually, I was able to tell other people. They loved you too, Lucy. Reba wants to know if you are with Daisy. I sure hope so! Then neither of you will have to be alone.

I hate to come home from work anymore because you are not here. I miss you so much my little honey bunny.


Love you and miss you every day,
Lucy Dogge
7, Nov 2003