My darling Maggie!
Momma walks very slowly now and a bit wobbly, with her head down…much like you did in the last few days. But…she doesn’t have anyone to carry her, like you did. I would have carried you anywhere and everywhere forever, if you hadn’t been so sick that I couldn’t bear to see you suffer anymore. I sleep with your towels and
your little sweater and your collar.
That first night, I got up in the night, and when I went back to bed and pulled back the covers, your tags on your collar jingled, just like always, when I came back to bed, you would lift your beautiful little head to greet me. I also light a candle in that pretty little crystal candle lamp on our mantle for you every night when I lay down. I will do this for the rest of my life. I know that you were always more of a “people” dog, but you need to make friends at the “Bridge” and
run and play with them.
I have this huge fear that you are there, just sitting there by the “Bridge”, waiting for me,as I know that whenever I left you, you never slept, you just waited for me to come back, but you must not do that now. Momma will be with you again, some day, but until then, you will always be with me, in my heart. Even though it is broken, you are there. Take care, my angel and know, that Momma loves you every second of every minute of every hour of every day.
Aunt Marta remembered that you did get to open a Christmas present this year. Remember, how you always helped Momma open her presents? As sick and as weak as you were, you tried. She thought that was so great. I’ll be back here to talk to you often, honey. Until then…I will ALWAYS be Maggie’s Momma!
With all my love, forever,
Maggie |
10, Dec 2003 |
Jeanie Clem |