MAX by BJ & Sherri Smith / Ma and Daddy

My Darling Max, where does your story begin? We got you from Sue’s cousin on Halloween 2002. Dillon had passed away on September 27th and to me it was too soon to get another dog but Mandy was grieving so bad we had to get her a playmate. Jenny traveled a lot and couldn’t properly care for you so you came home with us that night. She didn’t know much about you. She had found you abandoned about eight months before. How could someone let such a sweet boy get away? You were Daddy’s buddy from the start and it didn’t take long before you were working your way into my heart as well.

You were such a handsome little man. You were mostly white, a Lhasa Apso with a gray and black face and gray and black spots and the prettiest brown eyes. You were always so happy. You slept on the bed with the rest of us right from the start. You loved to cuddle with me or lay by Daddy’s feet. Mandy loved you from the beginning. She was so lonesome for Dillon and she was so happy to have a playmate again.

You were great buddies and loved to run and play. You got out a couple of times when I was coming in the gate and it scared me to death that we wouldn’t be able to catch you but we always did. Luckily, you always went to the court in front of the house but you finally stopped. I was so glad because we loved you so much and only wanted to protect you. You and Mandy were together for four years before Mandy passed away from a massive stroke.

On November 22, 2006 we got Daisy from the shelter to keep you company. You didn’t know what to think of Daisy because Mandy was so much bigger but you two fast became buddies and before we knew it you were constant companions. You two were so cute. When you ran outside you were side by side going out of the door always together no matter what you were doing.

Most of the time you let her eat first and then ate your portion. You two were the center of our world. When it was time for the groomers we always took you together so you wouldn’t be left alone. You didn’t care for toys and hated clothes. You always looked at me as if to say Ma please don’t make me wear this! The only thing you tolerated was the hooded coat we put on both of you to keep you dry in the rain and warm in the cold. You just wanted to be loved and love in return which we were happy to do. You were always my lap boy in the daytime especially after I retired and at bedtime you usually snuggled up next to me with your head on my arm laying close to my heart.

Daddy got a picture of us before we got Daisy that showed you with your head on my arm cuddling with me. We slept that way many a night before you started sleeping at Daddy’s feet. I guess you didn’t want him to feel left out because when we got Daisy she always slept by my feet. When I came home after my cancer surgery you didn’t understand why Daddy wouldn’t let you up on my lap but I finally convinced him to please put you up there and I have a picture of us sleeping with your head on my shoulder and me holding you close.

You were my protector during my recovery and hardly left my side. When we got you we weren’t sure how old you were but as you started loosing your teeth Dr. Loyd said you had to be at least 12 so together we gave you your birthday of January 1, 1994. In August 2008 you started having heart problems. We started you on heart medications and as the disease progressed we added more to try and make you as comfortable as possible.

Then on September 22, 2009 Dr. Loyd checked you and told us your poor heart was worn out and we needed to let you go home to join Dillon, Mandy and Rocky. It hurt us so much but you had suffered so much. Your quality of life was not what it had been and you could barely get around. Letting you go was one of the hardest things Daddy and I had ever done. Before Dr. Loyd came back to the room I told you, “I love you Baby Man”, and you sounded just like you said, “I love you Ma”. I will always hold onto those precious words from you deep inside my heart. You had lived for 15 years, 9 months and 22 days. You were such a brave boy fighting the heart disease. We were with you when you went to puppy heaven and not suffering any more.

We brought you home and let Daisy see you. She nudged you as if to say, “Wake up Max, it’s time to go outside”. We let her out and she stayed on the patio looking back for you to come join her. Tina misses you so much. She said you were her baby too. She was such a good “big sister” and caregiver when we went on trips. Lately you stayed close to her when she was here visiting. We gave you a proper funeral and buried you in the back yard.

Daisy still looks for you when she goes outside and doesn’t understand why you aren’t there. She is taking up your job of patrolling the perimeter of the yard. Her bark is louder and more aggressive now just as you taught her. We all miss you so much and we will always cherish the precious time we had with you. You rest in peace my precious Baby Man and we will meet you at the Rainbow Bridge someday and we will gather all of our babies and go home to the Lord together.


We love you Max our Baby Man.
22, Sep 2009
BJ & Sherri Smith