Max by the Smith’s / Your fans and family.

Max was the first dog that my husband ever owned. He taught him he could love and understand how much God has to teach us through animals,
and how much value they have.
The Bible says, “that a righteous man is kind to his beast “Prov.12:10, and “the whole world knows Him through his creation”! Romans 1:20

Max had a neat little skip in his right left foot when he was really happy on hikes with us. He loved to celebrate birthdays and Christmas and was always the first to open a gift. He was so good with those little teeth and showed his sis how to unwrap a gift her first Christmas.

Max was a little aloof like a kitty, but liked to lay close to your side and feel your warmth. I will miss his little licks on my ankle when he walked by,(kisses). His favorite game was “cat tag”. When we saw a cat in our yard he would go tearing out and after the cat’s scent and “win” if he could just nudge the cat on the bottom with his nose. “I win!” The cat would look down from the fence, like was that for real?

Before he got so ill with diabetes, blindness, Cushing’s and an enlarged heart he could hike up 9,000 ft. with us. He never complained about his illness as a dog won’t. He just patiently bore it and stayed faithful to his job, of being our dog. He knew just when it was dinner hour. It always totally amazed me, how even during daylight savings time, he knew the exact hour and showed up to stare at me and say- time!

One day I was crying on the couch about something and I thought, oh my precious sensitive puppy is looking in my eyes with such sympathy! Then I glanced toward the clock. It was 5:00p.m., dinner hour! We always laughed about it since. He was brave, faithful, ever true, loyal, sweet, and so soft and cuddly. I took a long deep sniff in his warm furry neck before we gave him his final rest and freedom from his illness. I have never hurt so badly, but I believe he has enlarged our hearts to be filled with love for others. Love isn’t love until it is given away. Max helped to teach us that. Your our forever Max. Love, You’re family. (XOXOXOXO)

“See you later, Bud!”,
Cousin Nicky(your best dog friend).


Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
16, May 2003
the Smith's