Maxwell by Missy and Erich Nolan / Erich

I have been around many dogs in my life. shortly after max warmed up to me and realized i wasn’t a threat to my now wife or him, he started following me wherever i would go. After a while I felt that he was my dog. nearly every day I would drive home I would be thinking that he’s going to be waiting for me on the other side of the door…whining, making cute little noises because he was so happy I was home.

I’d give him a snack and let him out and then we’d wait until my wife got home. He would get so excited when my wife got home and would get more snacks. He just loved food so much. Max was such a part of our lives that his presence was really taken for granted. I depended on him for company and companionship. It’s so hard to go around the house now…everywhere I go nobody follows. Max’s death was quite unexpected and up until thirty minutes before he died, we had no clue that it was coming. I think it’s so much easier for people that believe in an afterlife because they think he is in a better place.

I think Max was in quite a bit of pain and then he died. who knows what things were like for him…who knows if there is anything for him after his death. I just don’t know. max was a large german shepherd…mostly tan with a little black. He had such human emotions and was so intelligent. Missy (my wife) complained that I worshiped the dog. I took it as a complement and now even more so. I feel good about how we treated him but I wish, as everyone does, that he could have stayed with us for a much longer time. the house is so empty…it’s so quiet. There is no rush to get home any more when my wife’s not there. I am working later and avoiding those alone times in the house. There is a lot of love for missy and I to share out there for some more dogs. I used to tell people, when they would talk about their kids, that my kid was 100 lbs. of brown fur. it’s hard to not have him around. I was so lucky to have been a part of his life. I know he was happy to be a part…well more than just a part…of our lives. It’s no longer the three of us.


I miss you buddy.
Missy and Erich Nolan