Mika by Diane and Doreen / Dodo and Mum

You came to her,
battered and scared.
She nursed you back
and showed you that all would be ok.
You too, helped her in your own way.
Just your being, helped save her life.
The two of you came to me,
and we became a family of three.
Then came Allie, and the four of us
shared so many good times together.
I became as close to you as Diane was,
in just a short time.
You brought such joy into our lives.
You made us smile and laugh.
We miss you dear Mika.
But you will never be forgotten.
You are in our hearts forever.
Diane had 7 wonderful years with you,
and I had 2. They were the best years ever.
We couldn’t have asked for
a more loving and loyal pet.
You are in doggy heaven now.
You no longer have fears
and you no longer have pain.
We were so happy to have been by your side
when you left us. Good bye baby…. you are truly missed.


We Love You, Mika.... forever and always,
30, Oct 2006
Diane and Doreen