Milky way, Dusty, Misty by Annie Kimber / Annie

You three were some lovely gerbils. I loved you all and I will never forget you. I miss you guys. Dusty, we tried so hard didn’t we? But that tuma was too much. I loved you so much and I wish you never died along with all my other gerbies. Miss you loads.

Milky way, I loved you too, it was a pity about your tail but you didn’t seem to mind. I loved you and still do. Miss you more than anything now.

Misty, you were some fine gerbil, beautiful in everyway. I miss you and love you so much. You had a pretty cool life but I’m sorry you were the one gerbil left on his own out of all 3. I love you and miss you all millions.


Love from,
Milky way, Dusty, Misty
Annie Kimber