Milo by Kathy Allen / Mommy

Milo, thanks for being my “stinky furry boy”, my “punk”! You were always there to give me a wet nose in the ear (for free)! You were the cutest ferret, with your white eyebrows and teddy-bear ears. Loved the chewed gallon milk jugs you just had to haul upstairs to your room! That cracked daddy up, too! (I miss your sandpaper tongue licking my forehead and nose, 5 years of it wasn’t long enough.) You helped me heal after we lost Buddy ferret and a couple other hard times in my life, which I am forever thankful for. You mean the world to me and I’ll always keep you on my mind! Thanks for the wet nose on my leg, while I dried my hair. You always got me to look, didn’t you??? Now go give a “hud and tiss” to my friends and family there! And actually USE the litterbox, ok?


I duv my boy! my punk!
24, Dec 2007
Kathy Allen