Miranda by Connie / Connie

Miranda was a feral cat I adopted. She was about 1 years old. I have always had cats around me since the day I was born. I wanted a cat when my boyfiend and I got our first apartment. He worked all the time, and I needed someone there. Miranda was shy, but as time went on she was the most loveable cat. Because she was feral, she loved to eat, and beleive me she was always on diet food. She was so healthy until summer of 2002, when she got a hyper-thyroid.

What we did not know was there was a cancer underneath. We tried to keep her as long as we thought she was comfortable. I had to put her to sleep. I still cry about it. I never had to do that, but I did not want her to suffer. The Feline Hospital of Salem, MA helped us with her. They did the best they could, and basically told me when to let go. We have 2 other wonderful cats. They miss Miranda too!!! She meant so much to me and my husband.


The bestest Cat,
15, Feb 2003