Missy by George & Donna Carpenter / George & Donna Carpenter

We got Missy, our Boston Terrier when my husband had to have an amputation on his right leg. We had discussed having getting him a companion and friend so that when I went back to work, she would be here for him

We knew when we got her, that she had a heart murmur, but she was a cute little black and white bundle of joy. We only had her for only a few short years (2 years, 2 months) but in that time she became such a big part of our family. She did not know a stranger and thought that she was as big as the biggest dog and wanted everyone’s attention,
no matter what.

She gave us so much joy and happiness and she was still active up until the day before we had to put her to sleep. I found that the hardest thing to do, but she was suffering, stop eating, playing and could not lie down. She had CHF and she was on meds.

She looked up at us with her big brown eyes, as to say, Please, take away the pain. After they put her to sleep, I held her for a few minutes and she had a big smile on her face.

She was at peace and was of to Rainbow Bridge with all the other animals that have passed on. We will surely miss her and one day will see her again.

If anyone has not read “The Story of Rainbow Bridge”, you will find it very enlightening.


"We will love you always, Missy""
27, Dec 2007
George & Donna Carpenter