{ Gracie }
May 1988 ----- November 11 1999
My Baby Moo-Moo
Treats Treats Treats went the call
as it echoed up and down the hall;
Treats are love she always said,
Treats and when you scratch my head.
Empty her dish could never be;
For she would always come get me.
Shed look at me then at her dish
Then brush me gently swishing out her wish.
Softer fur Ive never felt
Than Moo-Moos patchwork colored quilt.
She knew just how cute she was,
With pink pink toes on white white paws.
Shed sleep in the closet most all day,
But cooking dinner coaxed her out to play.
Shed vacuum crumbs up off the floor,
Watching and sniffing looking for more.
Then Shed join us quietly,
Sitting in the corner to watch us eat;
She hoped and hoped wed see our way
To slicing off a nub of meat.
Now I cant say she was very smart
Nor was she much a strangers cat.
She was hard on plants and potted flowers;
She was no one elses only ours.
Her little paws left little tracks
Across the carpet where she walked.
Her little paws left bigger tracks
Across the rift of my broken heart forever.
Moo-Moo |
Ron |