Noelle, the Miracle Cat. We were only together for almost 21 months. Pipsqueak sent you to me the night she died. You’d been hit and had a fractured pelvis. The first vet who saw you wanted to put you down but Hope talked to a couple other vets who said you were young and might be ok. You bounced back and surprised everybody. You were your own little self. You had a mind of your own and could be ornery or feisty at times. But, that was you. Then you got fleas somehow and had a flea allergy. Nobody had any idea your system couldn’t tolerate the steroids they had to give you.
You left this world way too soon. You were only 3 years old. God knew He was taking a very special little cat to heaven when He took you! I miss you running down the hall when I come up the steps. I miss you bouncing off the walls, full of energy. I miss you trying to purr but not being able to because somehow you lost your purr motor
when you were spayed.
Heck, I even miss you smacking me but you didn’t have your claws out. You just smacked me. Or smacked whoever. I miss everything about you!
Godspeed Noelle. I miss you so much!
Noelle, the Miracle Cat |
22, Dec 2009 |
Candie |