OCEAN BLU by Jessy / JESSY & Mommy

” Guardian Angel’s”

To me “Ocean Blu”..You became the bridge that brought me and my mommy closer together.. You along with “Joker” saved me from more than just a tornado that hit our home. You save me from a person that tried to kill me..
“Ocean Blu”,You were just a drifter that was guided into me life. You gave me love that had no hurt.. That all my life the love I go had a price to it..

You showed me that the miles that separated me and mommy we just that miles!! that my mommy truly loved me for me and that her word’s were not filled with emptiness.. They were filled will LOVE.. All the love in her heart was mine.
“OCEAN BLU” you were mine and mommy’s, but no creature really belong to us as they belong to their creator.

On Saturday August 31, 2002 you went away. You had gotten so hurt from trying to save me for a person that was evil. You gave your live so that I could go on and live with the love from mommy. As the vet gave you that help, you looked at me with your big brown eyes, and you licked my face for the last time, as to say, “I love you”.

You saved me from a world that had turned its back on me. Thank you for helping me to cross over that GOLDEN BRIDGE!! I was just at the ocean and for you my baby, “OCEAN BLU” I layed with a rose into the ocean to set you free for the pain.

I have seen pain, but I have learned that there is a NEW life out there and I will see you in their eyes. I will love the sritters that cross into my life.

“OCEAN BLU” you are free. To mommy and our Baby “Ocean Blu” me love you and you’ll be there for me. You ARE FREE!!


31, Aug 2002