Oscar by Ciara Gavin and Tammy / Mom , Ciara ,Gavin
and your best buddy Skeete

To our beloved Oscar,

When you came to us such a short time ago, you had been abused and neglected. But soon you blossomed into a wonderfully funny, loving and affectionate pup.

You were taken from us in such a cruel way. But we know that you are in a much better place now. A place where dogs all play together happily in meadows of green clover. Where there is no cruelty or abuse. Only love and friendship. We miss you dearly and will always keep you in our hearts.

You will live on in our memories and we will keep you near for all time. We love you Oscar and miss you terribly.


With all our love always,
27, Nov 2003
Ciara Gavin and Tammy