My sweet cat Ozzie, was nicknamed Inspector Gadget, because he resembled Inspector Gadget in the cartoon I used to watch when I was little after school. We have a small menagerie of animals at home, and they are all loved, and all special. Ozzie was the sweet one nothing bothered him. He was so laid back all the kids loved to play with him.
We weren’t even looking for a cat when you came into our lives we already had six, but I had to rescue you from your old family. They weren’t taking good care of you, and we were so happy you moved in with us. I love you for many reasons, but especially for your humor. You were a silly boy. We will never forget you.
This world seems a little emptier without you in it, but I know you are with the angels, and watching us from above. I know you are in a better place, and someday we will meet again my little friend Gadget.
I miss and love.
With lots of love, and hugs, and kisses,
Ozzie aka Gadget |
tricia howes |