Patches by Vicki Doyal / Vicki & Mom

Patches was my youngest daughter Vicki’s cat. I gave him to her as a present, but since it was my babys’ baby, I loved him too! A stray female cat in our neighborhood had a litter of kittens, and they all were just as skittish as the momma. However, those kittens learned at an early age where the food bowl was…on our front porch!

We were only able to get one tame enough to stay around when we came out, that one was Patches. I snatched him off the front porch one morning while he was eating and took him into Vicki’s room. One look, a squeal from her and he was her cat! He became the most loving, affectionate cat anyone could ask for. He was also a beautifully marked cat, long haired, grey stripes, white underside and just the softest, most expressive eyes I`ve ever seen. He loved us to drape him around the back of our necks and carry him. We called him our “stole”.

Sadly Patches life was cut short by dogs that don`t like cats. Why he ended up in the fence with them we’ll never know…? He was an intelligent cat and knew to fear these dogs!

Now there is one very sad little girl, a heartbroken mom and a cat that is and will always be missed very much. We love you Patches. Thank you for the love and joy you gave us in return. We won`t forget you!


With Love,
27, Mar 2003
Vicki Doyal