I held you before you had a name.
You were weak and your survival was my aim.
What started then was unknown to me,
But now I know this was meant to be:
Napping and nuzzling, walking and running,
Happy tail thumping, with your eyes on me.
Playing and chasing, your share of mischief making,
Hiding in Steve’s closet again,
your floppy ears in the wind.
Pee Wee, Oh Pee Wee, thanks for loving me.
You pushed your way past that door
and found me crying on the floor.
I quickly learned what I didn’t know then,
you were my devoted friend whose:
Singing and prancing with
friends and neighbors glancing,
At handsome spots and you being shy,
getting hot dogs on the sly,
Trusting and kissing,
sometimes indoor pissing,
Hogging up the middle of the bed,
wearing Penn State colors,
what a friend!
Pee Wee, Oh Pee Wee,
thanks for loving me.
I saved you, you saved me.
That was how this was meant to be.
What goes around comes around;
you’re the best friend I ever found.
A miracle like you can’t happen twice,
Thanks for sharing with me
your only life, like:
Puppy cups at Dairy Queen,
With your siblings, what a scene,
Sometimes jumpy but usually calm,
Once so small you fit my palm.
“Do you want a treat?”
Your favorite was cheese.
What does this mean, placing
your chin on my knees?
Being sweet, always cute,
your greetings were the best,
For begging, staring and behaving well,
you certainly had a zest.
Going for a ride again,
Dying in my arms, my friend.
Pee Wee, Oh Pee Wee, thanks for loving me.
Pee Wee, Oh Pee Wee, thanks for loving me.
With love for the best puppy dog
that ever lived or ever will live,
Pee Wee |
21, Oct 2008 |
Gary Blankenhorn |