Princess by Mira


" Princess "

1996 ----- Feb. 8 1999

Russian Blue Cat

I got Princess from a shelter.

She was an emergency rescue had been starved beaten etc.

I had just lost my Persian. I also have a tabby that has never

been alone so that's why I got Princess. She was very sweet.

She would always snuggle up to me at night and stay till morning.

She made an impression in my life unlike any my other pets had made.

Her will to live was so strong. On Feb. 4 1999 I brought her to

the vet. She had lost a lot of weight and was jaundiced.

Liver failure I was told. She had massive internal bleeding.

I knew then that sweet little Princess wasn't going to make it.

I saw her this morning. She was purring and climbed onto

my shoulder. She looked a lot better. At about 3 this afternoon

the vet called. She had just passed on no suffering.

It's almost as if she hung on long enough to say goodbye.

I thank God that I had the time I did with Cessie. It was short but it

was filled with memories to last a lifetime.

Princess you'll be in my heart forever.


Mira and Baby Mikey


