Quincey by Cheryl Dickie / Mommy

Oh my darling little boy, today is the hardest day of my life. Saying good-bye to you is so heart-breaking, but I do know it is the best thing. I cannot stand the thought of you suffering, and prolonging it would only be selfish. You have been a very special part of my life, and will continue to be a bright spot in my heart for the rest of my life.
You can never be replaced, but I will find another baby who needs love, care and a happy home, who will share my heart with you.
The joy you gave to me is amazing…..I will miss your outrageously loud purring, the gentle way you touched my cheek and most of all, the times spent cuddled on the couch.
Your pain is now gone, and I imagine you sprawled out in your favourite spot in the sunshine, your eyes half closed, dreaming of all of the wonderful times we have shared.
I will love you always my baby boy…..


Hugs and Quincey kisses,
13, Oct 2004
Cheryl Dickie