Rex by Greg / Greg

Rex, my wonderful and amazing Little Man.

Rexxyboy, remember when we visited you and your brothers and sisters when we first met you? You were the cuddly boy who wandered on over to me as I was sitting on the ground; you said hello, sniffed me and proceeded to curl up on my lap and snooze. I went looking for a puppy to select, where in fact you selected me – how lucky I was, for you and I went on to become so very close and loving.

When we got home, my other Doberman, Jessie, was of course a little apprehensive and typically of her, aloof towards you. That soon changed and you both became the best of friends.

You both went to doggy school and how proud I was when you were promoted to advanced obedience class when you were six months old, to the day. You certainly were a fast learner, hey?

Your life was one of never being too hot, never being too cold and always loved and communicated with. You were such a clever boy, weren’t you? You knew about 20 words, one of which was ‘Speak’. I remember how your tailed wagged to the point your whole bum wagged and how you used to speak to everyone, showing them all how you could really hold a conversation and become the centre of attention, which you always were.

25 October 2008 was a sad day for you, because Jessie, as she grew older, grew weaker and slower. Her heart was failing her and on her last day, you were snuggled next to her, but she didn’t really react to you. So, you said goodbye to her and watched us through the front window go out in the car with her to the vet…

So, it became only you, Mum and I in the house. Your days consisted of walking around the back yard, snoozing, talking to us and being a wonderfully happy boy. Your life was simply great for you and every day you showed everyone how happy and contented you were. You simply loved visitors (as of course they were visiting only you!) and you always managed to get treats from the table and generally become the star of the show.

February 2009 came and we noticed a lump on your neck. It seemed to come up overnight. Off to the vet we went on Saturday; how you loved your car rides! The vet was concerned with both the size of the lump and the quickness with which it arose. Monday morning was biopsy time and the news was not good. Harry, our vet, sent a sample for pathology testing. The best thing about all this was you did not know what all the fuss was about, you were simply happy to hop back in the car and go home with a bandaged neck. Tuesday I was the worried father, calling Harry frequently and asking if the pathology tests were back yet. Harry called Wednesday afternoon and the news turned to become more serious. What we initially thought was a hematoma was shaping up to be a cancer and mores tests were done on the tissue sample.

I took you back to Harry on Thursday morning to have you bandage removed and your sutures checked. How shocked and scared I was to see the huge swelling on the side of your neck. How concerned Harry was in seeing the swelling. Harry planned to drain the lump, hoping it was simply blood from the surgery.

Thursday afternoon, the news simply got a great deal worse. Pathology results indicated the tissue was positive for hemangiosarcoma, a nasty, aggressive and invasive cancer. I asked Harry about treatment options and how it simply broke my heart when Harry said there weren’t any that would give you long-term life, let alone quality of life. Harry said you have weeks to live, at most. How that news utterly broke my heart. I asked Harry if I could bring you home for one last night, but I was told you had been haemorrhaging all day and tonight you would need to go. So, instead of picking you up and taking you home, Mum and I came to hold you, love you and be with you as you were put to sleep. Rexxy, remember I was with you, lying next to you on the floor in the vet’s, telling you how I loved you and that you were a good boy. Harry came in, and put the syringe into your leg. I held you as tight as I could and told you I love you, as you slowly and gently lowered your head onto my arm. How a part of me died with you also, that saddest of moments in my life. I cuddled you, Mum patted you and said goodbye to you.

It is so lonely here at home without you, without Jessie, also. We constantly look for you and expect to see you on the bed, on the couch, sitting next to us outside, running around the back yard, chasing the birds away from your food and talking to us.

Rex, always remember we loved you, we continue to love you and will forever be with us in our hearts. You are indeed a special boy and we miss you terribly. Thank you for making our lives so fulfilled by being such a wonderful and happy boy. I love you Rex. I miss you and wish I could have just one more cuddle. You will have to wait for me in Heaven. We will all be together again one day and then the happiest of times will be ours forever.


Always love my special Little Man,
26, Feb 2009