Rocky by Alli , Dave, Chris, Sam,keith / Your family

A beautiful face
One never to forget.
You left me so fast
So terribly quick.
Now as I pour my heart out
I’m missing you more.
When you left
you didn’t realize you took
a piece of my heart with you.
When I stare at the sky
since the day you’ve been gone.
I can see one star shining bright
And I know it’s my boy.
Wherever I am
No matter what
You will always be there
to protect and watch over me.
It was just sudden.
I’m only 12
But it wasn’t you I’m upset at
I’m mad at myself.
I’ve begged for you to return
But I know you’re safe and happy
So I will be strong
like I know I should be and
know that you’ll always
be with me.
People may think
that you were just a pet
But in my heart you’re better
than the rest.
You listened understood and
always cared for me
My Rocky
My Boy
And when you left
I just cried but then I realized
I never said what I will say now……
My Rocky
My Boy


We will all miss you, Rocky, and you will always be with us.

With Love,

15, Nov 2005
Alli , Dave, Chris, Sam,keith