Rosie by The Smithers Family

Tears coursing down my cheeks
The pain is raw and deep
Her memories are fresh and haunting
Memories I’ll always keep.

She was never just an animal.
She was pet relative and friend.
We are left with broken hearts
That I hope in time will mend.

She was so very sweet and precious
It was so hard to say goodbye.
Her heart was filled with love for us.
I can only think of her and cry.

The life we shared is over now
We will miss her sweet and loving face.
We have loved her so completely.
None could ever take her place.

I firmly wipe the tears away
Trying not to dwell on this pain.
But she was so much a part of us
Our lives will never be the same.

Rosie you’ve left an empty place
If only you didn’t have to die.
But someday we will think of you
And no longer hurt and cry.

Your memory will never fade.
Our love for you will never cease.
You will always be in our hearts
Farewell Rosie rest in peace.

The Smithers Family


26, July 2000
The Smithers Family
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