Sara by Kristie and Stephen DeVault / Kristie,Stephen, Garrett, Madie, And Zachary DeVault

Too my little Sara.

You were the best dog ever. I know people say that kind of thing all the time. But you know that we have been through so much. I still remember going into that mall in Jacksonville FL to look at you at that pet store. Making two trips there to be able to decide to bring you home with us. I remember making countless trips back and forth to WV with you in the front seat on a pillow licking my hand the whole way.

You were always such a trooper as many times that we moved from GA to CT to WV to PA and you just loved every min. of it. When the kids were born you were so protective over them you took everything that they put you through being little kids. I will never forget the times we would take you to the groomers they always praised how well you behaved getting your hair cut. I will never forget every time we picked you up from the groomers you always left there prancing and just strutting your little self around with your new hair cut. I will miss you sitting on the conner of the couch with your paws crossed. I will miss you waiting at bed time for you to be picked up to get in bed with us for the night and you basically would take the top blanket and curl up in it.

Just to let you know I loved our last few min. together as I was taking you to the vet for them to check you out and observe you for a little bit it was the most excitement that you had showed the last few days licking my hand the whole way there and then me dropping you off and the vet taking you saying our last good byes not knowing in just 5 min you would be gone.

I love you so very much my Sara and will miss you so much. I know you are up in heaven running around breathing all fine and with no knee pain that you had lived with. I Love you so very very much.


With all our love,
5, Apr 2010
Kristie and Stephen DeVault