Scooby Doo by april / momma

The day you were born I was tickled. You were born the day before my first grandchild. The minute I saw you, you stole my heart ahd made your imprint in my soul. From the moment I held you, I knew you were special. It hurt so much that your not hear with me anymore. I miss you running to the car to take a ride with me, sitting in the back window watching everything. I miss fighting with you for the last piece of cheese; oh how you love your cheese. I miss you laying in the bed beside me forcing my hand on your head for me to pet you. The day I lost you I hope you know how much I love you as we sat there with laying and my arms looking up at me as I scratced your head singing to you and tellng you I love you. I knew you are in heaven and I am excitd that know one day ee will be together again. The day I lost you I lost piece of my heart. You are my little baby boy. You will always be in my heart. I love and miss you so much hugs and kisses. Momma loves you.
See you again one day in heaven.


Love you always my baby boy,
Scooby Doo