Shadow by S. J. Sunderman / Mommy Sharon and brother Babe

My love, my best friend, my Shadow. I miss your wagging tail, your “smile” and the feel of you when you curl up to my back in the night. Shadow was diabetic the last few years of his life. We always thought an illness from the diabetes would take him – but it was cancer. He was an excellent diabetic patient. He sat still for his 2 shots a day, accepted his restricted diet and loved to go for his walks for exercise.

We brought Babe, a miniature schnauzer into our home when Shadow was 7 years old. Shadow was a father figure, big brother and best friend to Babe. Babe would follow Shadow around and wanted to do everything he did. He worshiped Shadow and misses him terribly. We will mourn him together and will cherish his memory and will love him forever….we will all be together again someday.


All our love and kisses,
29, May 2004
S. J. Sunderman