SHALIMAR by Erica / My Shalimar

Shalimar was the best friend anyone could have. When I got you it was because another couldn’t care for you. I have loved for before you were mine until now that you’re gone. Words can’t even begin to start how much I already miss you. How very special you are to me. Evert time I speak your name I cry and I long for you. I wish for you ever second that you’re not hear. I look under the bed for you and I call your name. I can’t believe you’re gone and I want you back so much. They all said it was time but holding your deceased body I knew it wasn’t. I love you more than any other thing on this earth and I can’t wait to see you again. God life will never be the same that you’re not here. I miss you so. Please come back to me. Please I need you. I love you.


My never ending love, I'll never let go,
13, Oct 2003