Simba by Shelley, Jamie and Janessa / Shelley, Jamie and Janessa xoxoxoxo

My Dearest Simba,

I remember the first time I set my eyes on you, you came running to me and sat on my knee and gave me a big kiss, and at that moment, I knew you were the one for me. For 14 years you never left my side. Through good and many bad times you were always there for me. Your big brown eyes staring at me as I cried many nights, but with a gentle kiss on my cheek you always made me feel so much better.

I remember your soft fur against my face as I hugged you every morning and your warm head as I kissed you good night, I sure miss those times. When Janessa was born you were 8yrs old and you never showed any kind of jealousy, you just showed your love like you did everyone you touched in your life. You and Janessa became the best of were always with her and
she misses you terrible too!

I know you are no longer suffering and your are free of pain, but mine is still so real in my heart. Time will heal and my heart will slowly get stronger and I know that someday, when the time is right we will meat at the gates at Rainbow Bridge and we will cross over together, side by side. I miss you boy! until we meet again, goodbye.


Sadly Missed by,
26, July 2006
Shelley, Jamie and Janessa