Skylar by Linda and Jose / Mommy, Daddy, Joey, Justin and Jonathan
Zeus a

Skylar – I didn’t think we would have to be doing a tribute for you already. You were only five years old. It’s only been a few days since you have been gone but it seems like years.

We all miss you very much. I hope you know how much we all love you and making the decision to put you down was the hardest thing we ever had to do. The pain and guilt will be with us forever. You have taken a piece of my heart that I will not get back until I see you again at The Bridge. We tried everything so we wouldn’t have to make that decision to put you down. Everything – I hope you know that.

I would have went to the ends of the earth, drove anywhere, flew anywhere, swam anywhere, just to make you better. Everyone says we made the right decision but it still feels like we didn’t. I wish you were here with us now. I know you were physically healthy, still able to run, play and that’s what hurts the most – I still see you running and playing with your toys and chasing Zeus and Belle around the yard. But people say when you aren’t mentally healthy; you can’t be physically healthy either.

I hope we relieved you from all the fear and anxiety you were feeling. I hope you are more relaxed now. People say we set you free to a mental freedom you never knew. I hope that is true and you are relaxed now. I have a tribute to your brother, Bret, on here also.

You came to us 2 weeks after we had to put Bret to sleep and you helped us through a very hard time. You were and are very special to us. You had that something special about you that always made us laugh and such a personality and we will miss that always. I wish every minute that we could have came up with something to keep you here with us, keep your anxiety down and the kids safe. I know you never wanted to bite Joey or growl and show your teeth at the kids, or go after everyone, it was something you couldn’t help. We don’t blame you for that.

I hope you don’t blame us for making the decision to put you down. It was something we had to do to give you a freedom you never felt in your mind. We hope you are relaxed and are enjoying running around on The Bridge with your brother and sister, Bret and Babe.

I know they made you feel welcome. I know you dry my tears at night when I fall asleep. I know you are here with us, I feel you all the time, I just wish you were here with us physically. Rest in peace and we will see you again at The Bridge one day. I know you, Bret and Babe will be there waiting for us. You are forever in our hearts. We love and miss you very, very much. Hugs, kisses and those tummy rubs you loved so much everyday!!


All of our love always,
27, May 2004
Linda and Jose