Sneaker by Amanda / SNEAKER,

On a sweet sweet day my cat Sneaker came in this world. She was the most happiest and most loving cat. Me and her a bond like best friends. She was my world. She would always sleep with me and it seemed she was trying to tuck me in. When I would be upset it seemed like she knew. She would always make me feel better.

But one day we found lumps on her. She had cancer. So we got her surgery. She started doing so much better so it made me so happy knowing she would be with me for a long time. But then a year or two went by then she started getting lumps out of control. There was nothin no one could do except to show her love and just be there.
Everyday it just got worse.

On August 30. my life changed. I was going out and gave her a kiss goodbye and when I got home I saw her bear I gave her in the bed she slept in for good luck on the table and her bed was gone and then I found out she died. That then my heart fell apart. But I just couldn’t believe. I won’t be with her no more after 13 years. I just couldn’t stop crying. But she had a burial in my yard. I made a tombstone for her and know it’s to hard to go see it because it ain’t the same as
it would be if she was here.

But I just pray that she is with her brother and she’s feeling better and I hope she’ll never forget me because I’ll never forget her.


