Sneakers by Cornell



" Sneakers "

July 17 1996 ----- Jan. 3 1999


When you crept into my life that first day I'd never

had a cat and I didn't know what I was doing.

But you taught me. You taught me how to tell if you

wanted food to play or just to cuddle.

This past two days has been all the pain in the world

to me but knowing your no longer suffering some

how eases that pain.

I'll always love you and there will never be another cat

like you. My little Neaker-kitty. I'll hold you forever in my heart

and I'll always have an extra milk-ring waiting just for you.

I love you for all you've done to enrich my life and to

bring many smiles to my face. Like hanging off of the kitchen

curtain rod or getting shut in the closet when I wasn't looking.

Thank you for being the ultimate friend one that never holds

a grudge and loves me no matter what I said or did.

I'll always remember our time together.


Mommy and Daddy


