Sophie by Angie and Will / Mommy

Sophie- We got you when you were a little baby. You had the biggest, most beautiful green eyes and a silky, auburn colored coat. You made us laugh and filled our lives with joy. We have no human children so you were and will always be our baby. We are very grateful for the gift of 14 years with you. One name was not enough for you, over the years we’ve callen you many names:

Shadow-because you always
followed Daddy around (to supervise).

Panther kitty-(back in the day when the Panthers won games) but it was because you were long
and sleek like a panther.

Silky-because of your beautiful coat.

Soph-bug-this one to go along with little sister Sailor-boo (Boo bear will miss her bug.

You seemed so intuitive to everything going on and you always had to be involved and you were so smart too. From laying on the paper to check the news, to watching over all kitchen activities, walking across the computer keyboard (checking our spelling and grammar) to checking the closets for ghosts. And no door was to be closed to you, you quickly learned how to turn the handles and how to put your paw underneath the door and pull when needed.

People were always surprised when we told them that we could leave the front or back door open and you would sit in the doorway and wait on us. Thank you for not wanting to leave mommy and daddy and for choosing to stay with us for as long as you were able.

I’ll miss you greeting us at the door when we arrive home.

I’ll miss you calling mommy at work to say hello and let me know you loved me.

I’ll miss you running into the bedroom first thing in the mornings to say hello.

I’ll miss you cuddling with mommy in the evenings to watch our favorite programs.

So many, too many things to miss…..

I remember the Christmas we got you what turned out to be your favorite toy of all time, the crinkling ladybug. You not only got into the bag but got the ladybug off the card it was attached to twice before I could put it in your stocking. I’ll hold onto it for you and give it back someday.

You have always been and will be my best buddy.
I could tell you my feelings and secrets and
you loved me anyway.

These last few months, you stayed by my side because you didn’t feel well and mommy tried to get you what you needed to feel better. Just so you know, I would have done ANYTHING to make you better.

It was not to be. My head knows considering the circumstances, you are better off. Now, you can chase balls and play with crinkle toys and feathers. Eat catnip and roll around in paper bags. Eat really good salmon and nap all day. That is my most heart felt wish for you,
be happy and healthy!

But my heart is crushed, there will never be another you.


You will be forever in our hearts,
1, Jan 2011
Angie and Will