" Suzie Q "
March 25 1999 ----- July 15 1999
I'll start by saying I was against adding another cat to the family.
So when my husband asked me about getting a kitten I said "No."
We already had 2 cats and 2 dogs I felt that was enough.
But he thankfully declined to agree with me and brought
Suzie Q home on May 20th our daughter's 5th Birthday.
She was a gift for her. Our daughter Madeline was the one
to chose her name..."Suzie Q."
Suzie was a classic black and white tuxedo cat with blue eyes,
and a long-haired coat more the texture of rabbits fur.
I honestly had never seen a kitten quite as cute as she was.
The whole family {my husband and I and all four children} fell
madly in love with her. In fact everyone to visit our home
found her to be especially endearing.
And when our 8 year old cat "Princess Buttercup"
was killed by a truck shortly after I truly felt she was a gift from
God meant to be with us.
She was very sweet and affectionate as well as being extremely
playful but always gentle when she played.
She never scratched anyone even while playing.
We tried to keep her inside but with so many children
coming and going that became impossible.
She would however only venture as far as the herb garden
where I would watch her. She loved to lay in the shade
and try to catch butterflies that the herbs attracted.
Her life was cut tragically short when our neighbor's Rottweiler
attacked her one day while she was in the herb garden.
Both my neighbor and I and all of our children witnessed the attack.
I tried to pull the dog off of her but he was so powerful.
When my neighbor finally gained control of the dog she was
barely alive and I rushed her to the vet but it was too late.
She died in my arms on the way. I begged the vet to
help her but there was nothing they could do.
We buried Suzie Q in the garden next to Princess Buttercup...
it had only been one month since Buttercup had been killed,
that we had to bury Suzie. My neighbor put her dog "Harley" down
after the incident there had been other incidents of aggression.
And so that chapter is closed but I will never forget Suzie.
Although her life on earth and with our family had just begun,
my love for her had somehow grown beyond our time together.
She was a very special creature of God and
we were lucky to have loved her!
Suzie Q |
Heather |