Taffy by Cindy Armstrong / Until we meet again,

Love, Mommy

A Puppy Mill Survivor
Taffy lived 10 years of her life in a puppy mill. The ASPCA raided the puppy mill, an she was one of the lucky ones who survived. A rescue group took her, an a month later I adopted her.She was not exactly what I was looking for, but she was a little dog in need. She had never been socialized, had some medical issues, never had been potty trained an scared to death of people. If it was up to me I would banned every puppy mill form every city, state, an country.The mental damage this little dog suffered was something I was never exposed to.She showed no affection towards people, but just adored my other dog, which I’m proud to say, is a pit bull (BEST DOG EVER) I give him most of the credit. He was the one who taught her how to be a dog. He taught her how to walk on grass, stop at every tree, how to enjoy going for a ride in the car, hanging her head out the window to smell all the wonderful scents, but most of all, was how to have trust in people. Well with a lot of time and patience she did just that, and from that day on, we had a bond like no other She no longer kept her tail between her legs, she held her head high, did her fancy little trot, as if to say, look at me I’m special. From that day on I know in my heart was the best 4 years of her life. She knew she was truly loved. But sadly to say, she only allowed me to see her cute little personality. So I’m writing this poem in tribute to my baby girl, who passed away June 29,2011. She was 14. She developed a degenerated disc disorder, there was no cure, so I did what was best for Taffy. I let her pass over to Rainbow bridge where she is free of pain.I have her ashes home with me, an will keep her paw prints forever close to my heart.I feel lucky to have shared the last four years of her life.She taught me unconditional love, understanding, loyalty, an the true meaning of friendship, which sometimes as humans we tend to forget So with all that has been said and done, Here is a poem

I lost a special friend today. The kind you can’t replace. When I look at her empty bed I still can see her face.I remember her in her younger years, an all her funny little ways. I remember her favorite game (CATCH ME IF YOU CAN) Spring time will always be a special time, because that is when she became mine. And Christmas will always stand out in my mind. Our long journeys down South, which she loved each an every time. I remember the white flocked Christmas tree where she would hide all covered in snow, thinking we couldn’t see, and how she loved her walks in the park with her favorite dog friend Rasien, who she just adored. But as those precious years went by, and we were both growing old. she started slowing down, and in my room she would like to stay. I often found her sleeping away,but when she heard me call her name, her little ears would perk right up and off an running she would come, wanting her special liver treat. Oh how she loved to eat. But in recent times I noticed her ears were not as sharp, and the years were starting to show their mark. My Taffy was a special dog. I know she gave her best! But when I looked deep down into her eyes, I knew it was time for her to rest Oh how I wish I could have turned back time that day ,I know our Lord has a special place that will keep her safe,an make her whole again.So with my special little friend, I’m sending all my prayers. I know she will be watching over me, I know she will be there when I cry.So I picked her up, and held her close, she looked deep into my eyes as is to say Thank You for Loving Me !! And then I gave her one more beloved kiss upon her head and told MY TAFFY DOG GOOD BYE


Taffy I will hold your paw prints close to my heart,
Cindy Armstrong